Re: Funky Summation

Subject: Re: Funky Summation
From: Alexey Gokhberg <alexei@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 16 Sep 2000 09:07:06 +0200
Nate Austin wrote:
> Greetings.  I've thrashed around with a few ideas to no avail, so finally to
> here.  Here's the problem:
> <record>
>   <header>
>     <name>ralph</name>
>     <dest_acct_no>2222222</dest_acct_no>
>   </header>
>   <detail>
>     <name>george</name>
>     <acct_no>123456789</acct_no>
>   </detail
>   <detail>
>     <name>bob</name>
>     <acct_no>987654321</acct_no>
>   </detail>
> </record>
> I have a large number of records in similar fashion to this  There is one
> header record and many detail records.  I need to compute a checksum of the
> account numbers that is as follows:
> If the number is less than 11 digits, pad it on the right with zeros.  (ie.
> 12345678900).  Take the first 6 digits minus the 2nd 6 digits.  Do this for
> the header record and the detail records.  The checksum for each detail
> record is computed by taking the absolute value of the value of the header
> record minus the value of the detail record.  Add each detail record's
> checksum to come up with a total checksum.  The example here would be:
> abs((222222 - 20000) - (123456 - 78900)) + abs((222222 - 20000) - (987654 -
> 32100)) + ...  = 157666 + 753332 = 910998.
> I looked into using sum() to come up with this and a for-each.  I couldn't
> work it through to the end either way.  If anyone could help it'd be much
> appreciated!


Is it possible to implement running counters in pure 100% XSLT, without
using proprietary extensions?



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