RE: [xsl] General Searching query

Subject: RE: [xsl] General Searching query
From: "Andrew Welch" <andrew@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2001 09:35:13 -0000

Thanks for all of your comments, maybe I should clarify a little.

The current system runs on IE5.5, with all processing performed client-side.
No servers are involved.  At the moment, there are around 10,000 XML files
installed on each of the standalone clients.  This sounds a little strange,
but is set in stone.

The current searching method is to build an index file of all the words in
the transformed HTML, and include that with the product release.  Because
the XML files arent going to change, this method works fine and is very

Of course, this isnt fully taking advantage of the fact we are using XML.
It would be good to allow name-value searching, utilising the structure of
the XML.

So I would guess from your responses that this is a non-starter, unless the
above changes things...



> Imagine the scene:
> You have around 20,000 xml files, all around 10k in size.
> You have to write
> a stylesheet that will run on IE5.5 using MSXML2.5 (possibly
> v3) that will
> search the XML files, based on a name-value pair.
> The solution you are looking for will be fast, and scalable
> because you know
> eventually it will have to search up to 250,000 XML files.
> What kind of stylesheet is best for this task??  Any ideas welcome

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