RE: [xsl] sorting on data referenced with document()??

Subject: RE: [xsl] sorting on data referenced with document()??
From: "Carter, Will" <WCarter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 2002 20:27:51 -0500

I figured that I would first try the extension function route, but I can't quite figure out how to get it working.  Excuse my ignorance, I am a xslt beginner and I have never added a.

anyway, I tried to first download the function itself:

but inside the zip, exsl.node-set.xsl isn't present.????

the only way I could get exsl.node-set.xsl in any manner is to download the all modules zip.
exsl.node-set.1.xsl and exsl.node-set.2.xsl are in that zip, so I am guessing that those are what I need.
I put these 2 xsl files in the same folder as my two.xsl

so I try to modify my stylesheet:
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=""; xmlns:common=""; xmlns=""; version="1.0">
<xsl:import href="exsl.node-set.1.xsl" />
<xsl:import href="exsl.node-set.2.xsl" />

I add the variable as instructed (i hope this is right):
<xsl:variable name="persons">
   <xsl:for-each select="people/person">
       <xsl:copy-of select="@*"/>
       <xsl:copy-of select="*"/>
       <xsl:variable name="ownerName" select="@name"/>
       <xsl:for-each select="document('xml2.xml')">
         <xsl:copy-of select="key('turtleByOwner', $ownerName)"/>

and I change the for each in the stylesheet to:
<xsl:for-each select="exsl:node-set($persons)/person">

I try to transform with xalan at my command line and I get:
java org.apache.xalan.xslt.Process -in xml1.xml -xsl two.xsl -out 2.html
file:///C:/xsl/two.xsl; Line 25; Column 57; XSLT Error (javax.xml.transform.Tran
sformerConfigurationException): javax.xml.transform.TransformerException: javax.
xml.transform.TransformerException: Prefix must resolve to a namespace: exslt

what am I doing wrong?

-----Original Message-----
From: Joerg Heinicke [mailto:joerg.heinicke@xxxxxx]
Sent: Monday, September 16, 2002 7:40 PM
To: xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [xsl] sorting on data referenced with document()??

Hello Will,

you either have to statically change the context to the second document

<xsl:for-each select="document('xml2.xml')/people/person">
   <xsl:sort select="turtle"/>

(but I think that's not an option)

or you have to create a temporary tree with all information merged. You 
can do this either via a 2 transformations or using an extension 
function exslt:node-set(). While extension functions always have the 
disadvantage of less portability, exslt is an approach against that 
matter (

<xsl:variable name="persons">
   <xsl:for-each select="people/person">
       <xsl:copy-of select="@*"/>
       <xsl:copy-of select="*"/>
       <xsl:variable name="ownerName" select="@name"/>
       <xsl:for-each select="document('xml2.xml')">
         <xsl:copy-of select="key('turtleByOwner', $ownerName)"
       <xsl:copy-of select="

<xsl:for-each select="exslt:node-set($persons)/person">
   <xsl:sort select="cat"/> <!-- or turtle -->

Other comments to your stylesheet:

Are you sure you want version="2.0"??
In the match attribute of the key, you don't need //. The key indexes 
the whole XML tree (so all turtle elements, even without //).



Carter, Will wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a sorting problem when I use xsl to combine data from 2 xml files into one html output.
> here is my xml file 1 (xml1.xml):
> -----------------------
> <people>
> 	<person name="george">
> 		<cat>cat-zoro</cat>
> 		<dog>dog-butch</dog>
> 		<fish>fish-jaws</fish>
> 	</person>
> 	<person name="jennifer">
> 		<cat>cat-felix</cat>
> 		<dog>dog-fido</dog>
> 		<fish>fish-moby</fish>
> 	</person>
> 	<person name="simon">
> 		<cat>cat-tom</cat>
> 		<dog>dog-scooby</dog>
> 		<fish>fish-conroy</fish>
> 	</person>
> </people>
> -----------------------
> here is my xml file 2 (xml2.xml):
> -----------------------
> <people>
> 	<person name="george">
> 		<turtle>turtle-greeny</turtle>
> 	</person>
> 	<person name="jennifer">
> 		<turtle>turtle-browny</turtle>
> 	</person>
> 	<person name="simon">
> 		<turtle>turtle-red</turtle>
> 	</person>
> </people>
> -----------------------
> here is my stylesheet:
> -----------------------
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
> <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=""; xmlns=""; version="2.0">
> <xsl:key name="turtleByOwner" match="//turtle" use="../@name" />
> <xsl:template match="/">
> <table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
> 	<xsl:for-each select="people/person">
> 	<xsl:sort select="cat"/>
> 	<tr>
> 		<td colspan="7">Person: <xsl:value-of select="@name"/></td>
> 	</tr>
> 	<tr>
> 		<td><xsl:value-of select="cat"/></td>
> 		<td><xsl:value-of select="dog"/></td>
> 		<td><xsl:value-of select="fish"/></td>
> 		<xsl:variable name="ownerName" select="@name"/>
> 		<td>
> 		<xsl:for-each select="document('xml2.xml')">
> 		<xsl:value-of select="key('turtleByOwner', $ownerName)"
> 		</xsl:for-each>
> 		</td>
> 	</tr>
> 	</xsl:for-each>
> </table>
> </xsl:template>
> </xsl:stylesheet>
> -----------------------
> this correctly produces (sorted by cat):
> -----------------------
> Person: jennifer 
> cat-felix   dog-fido   fish-moby   turtle-browny 
> Person: simon 
> cat-tom   dog-scooby   fish-conroy   turtle-red 
> Person: george 
> cat-zoro   dog-butch   fish-jaws   turtle-greeny 
> -----------------------
> but I want to sort by turtle (I want this output):
> -----------------------
> Person: jennifer 
> cat-felix   dog-fido   fish-moby   turtle-browny 
> Person: george 
> cat-zoro   dog-butch   fish-jaws   turtle-greeny 
> Person: simon 
> cat-tom   dog-scooby   fish-conroy   turtle-red 
> -----------------------
> I changed the sort line to be:
> <xsl:sort select="turtle"/>
> but it doesn't work, my output is:
> -----------------------
> Person: george 
> cat-zoro   dog-butch   fish-jaws   turtle-greeny 
> Person: jennifer 
> cat-felix   dog-fido   fish-moby   turtle-browny 
> Person: simon 
> cat-tom   dog-scooby   fish-conroy   turtle-red 
> -----------------------
> how can I sort on the turtle column from the document reference?
> thanks for any ideas.
> will

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