Re: [xsl] Select statement within HREF

Subject: Re: [xsl] Select statement within HREF
From: David Carlisle <davidc@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 3 Nov 2003 10:43:19 GMT
   First soltuion, extremely boring and redundant ... It will copy the
   style sheet in all folders and will also add PI as a text to xml

As I said before, there's no need to have more than one copy of teh
stylesheet, you just need to put appropriate href links from teh
documents to wherever the stylesheet is.

   Once it is working, I will move to 2nd solution since in this way I will
   be able to control the style on the server!

If you are happy sending the client generated html rather than xml
sources then you can do that with a batch process, as well, you don't
need cocoon or any xml-stylesheet pi for that. (The web site mentioned
in my sig is generated by just such a process)



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