RE: [xsl] call-template according to @ value, storing XPath in xml

Subject: RE: [xsl] call-template according to @ value, storing XPath in xml
From: "Michael Kay" <mhk@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 7 Nov 2003 08:53:32 -0000
> ..I guess there are 2 issues here..
> 1 - calling a template with the name which equals an
> attribute value, and 
> 2 - writing out the value of an Xpath which is itself
> stored as an value in an attribute

These are both things that are available in Saxon as extensions, but not
available in the core language.

Other workarounds include:

* generating/modifying a stylesheet before executing it
* for case (1), a big xsl:choose statement
* Dynamic templates using the Dimitre's FXSL technique

Michael Kay

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