XSLT help to generate FO-page-sequence

Subject: XSLT help to generate FO-page-sequence
From: "Kenny Bogoe (BogoeMD)" <kenny@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 2004 00:38:36 +0200

I have been testing around with FOP but ended up with this OutOfMemory thing
every time I tried to process a 16 MB xml-file (which had to end up as a 500
page book). I have read all about how to avoid memory problems and tried to
change my FO from a table-based layout to a list-based. I have also tried
many different JVM memory settings. If I cut down my xml to about 8 MB I
will be able to render 220 pages but no more than that. Obviously my 768 MB
RAM is not enough. Of course I can install more memory, but I would prefer a
programmable solution if that is possible.

Since my xml represents one long chapter of a book with no forced page
breaks, there are no way to change page sequences during the process. At
least I do not think so. And this is my question to the list: Is there a way
to change page-sequences dynamically based on conditions?

Imagine this scenario: A list starting with the letter A from page 1 to
middle of page 10, B from middle of page 10 to 20. Since I can not split
page 10 into 2 pages separated by a page-sequence, I need the page-sequence
to stop on page 10 and a new one starting on page 11 while keeping the above
mentioned structure (B starting on middle of page 10 and continuing on page
11...). Is this too creative or...?


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