Fwd: RE: [xsl] Retrieving the date of processing

Subject: Fwd: RE: [xsl] Retrieving the date of processing
From: Lisa Settle <lsettle@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2004 15:32:33 -0700
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From: David.Pawson@xxxxxxxxxxx
To: xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 2004 08:12:04 +0100
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Subject: RE: [xsl] Retrieving the date of processing
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Hi Daniel. Hadn't realised it was accessible, sorry.

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Daniel Bibbens

Yes. Anyone may use the URL I provided earlier
(http://xobjex.com/cgi-bin/date.pl) which is an always-on,
production server. That URL exists exactly for the purposes
discussed here and is already in use by at least three
other production systems.
At present, the reported time is local to (Pacific Daylight
Savings Time Zone) and synchronized every six hours to the
"atomic clock" at Argonne National Lab. I will entertain
any reasonable request such as moving to GMT or adding or
reformatting data.

<request class="maybeReasonable"/>
  Add xml markup, your own entry, then a GMT value that
could be utilised by XSLT 2.0 for anyone to convert to their own
local time?

current-time() - 19:01:36.404Z  is an example I get...
Though the number of decimal places is arbitrary, hence perhaps
could be zero.

http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-2/#dateTime is the fancy specification
for full date and time if you wanted to go that far?
Their example is
1999-05-31T13:20:00-05:00 showing GMT -5 hours.

  <local zone="-8:00">19:01:36.0</local>

Any WG member improve on that?

regards DaveP

FYI: The data at the URL is produced using Dave Rolsky's
Time::Local module for Perl (see:


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