Re: [xsl] XHTML->XHTML w/ XSLT, modifying only specific element(s)

Subject: Re: [xsl] XHTML->XHTML w/ XSLT, modifying only specific element(s)
From: Evan Nemerson <assorted@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 25 Oct 2004 15:01:27 -0700
First off, thank you both for your replies--they really helped. Unfortunately, 
I have new problem:

It seems that Firefox (as well as xsltproc) want to output an xmlns="" in the 
link tag, which seems reasonable enough to me. However, when that attribute 
is present Firefox refuses to treat links as such--it does nothing when I 
click on it, the cursor is the same for :hover, etc. Is there any way to 
suppress the xmlns attribute?

> >   <xsl:template match="blockquote[@cite and @title]">
> I suspect you want match="xhtml:blockquote[@cite and @title]" ... though
> you don't give a snippet of your input XHTML, you probably are using the
> default namespace.  XPath 1.0 does not use the default namespace.

You are, of course, correct. Here's what I have now, which is /almost/ 

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl=""; 
  <xsl:template match="node()|@*">
      <xsl:apply-templates select="node()|@*"/>

  <xsl:template match="xhtml:blockquote">
      <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()"/>
      <a class="serendipity_blockquoteReferenceLink" href="{@cite}">
        <xsl:value-of select="@title"/>

(To anyone reading this in the archive, note the two namespaces in the 
xsl:stylesheet element, one of which corresponds to the second xsl:template's 
match attribute.)

> >Nothing I put in that second xsl:template element seems to have any
> > effect.
> I'm guessing that your input has a namespace associated with the default
> namespace ... your element names are not prefixed but your qualified names
> probably have non-null associated namespace URIs.  The way you wrote your
> template rule was matching "blockquote" in no namespace, not "blockquote"
> in the XHTML namespace.
> >Sorry to post such a simple question, but I'm completely stumped.
> It is a FAQ to ask why a non-prefixed element name in a match is not
> matching elements from a namespace.

I was, unfortunately, a bit too ignorant to even know the proper question to 
look for in the FAQ :(. Sorry.
> I hope this helps.

It did--thank you both again.

Evan Nemerson

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