RE: [xsl] Performance degraded with grouping and sorting.

Subject: RE: [xsl] Performance degraded with grouping and sorting.
From: Pieter Reint Siegers Kort <pieter.siegers@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 30 Oct 2004 16:04:38 -0500
Thanx for your welcome addition, Mark (<M:D/>)! :-)


-----Original Message-----
From: M. David Peterson [mailto:m.david@xxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Saturday, October 30, 2004 3:52 PM
To: xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [xsl] Performance degraded with grouping and sorting.

Hi All,

As Pieter (our PM for the Saxon.NET project) has pointed out the site
is more up to date with the latest bits than the projects main site.
Unfortunately this is my own fault as a combination of the XMLDevCon (and
preperations for it - see - I have
pics and reports to blog as soon as a free moment opens up and will let you
all know when there live) coupled with a new protocol I am working on and an
outline for another project has slowed down my maintenance of the main
project site.  I have been keeping the builds up to date and Pieter has been
posting them regularly. I am currently working on an extension library that
encapsulates the functionality of Saxon.NET and System.Xml and exposes an
API that allows for only one imported namespace to take any XML/XSL source
as input (XmlDocument(DOM), file, stream, etc...) and produce any desired
output (string, XmlDocument, file, stream, etc...).  
This will hopefully simplify the coding process as well as the required
imports to successfully perform a transformation while using a similar API
to that contained in System.Xml.

Before the weekend is over the site WILL be updated and I will definitely
have more time to refocus my efforts into producing more capability and
extensibility into the code base that more directly corrolates with that of
System.Xml.  I have also heard rumor (well, more than a rumor... I've
actually had a chance to play with it a bit) from Pieter that he has in the
works a pretty sweet sample app for testing stylesheets.  With that said my
guess is that over the coming weeks you will be seeing a lot more action
from the Saxon.NET project as a whole.

Best regards,


Pieter Reint Siegers Kort wrote:

>Hi Geert,
>You could check out Saxon.NET:
>The first one is the most up to date, and also features two simple 
>applications. All is based on Saxon-B v8.1, IKVM (ikvmc.exe), GNU 
>ClassPath, among a few others.
>Basically the dll produced is a .NET component for use with .NET 1.x. 
>The example applications are written in C#.
>The Saxon.NET functionality is currently being compared with a broad 
>variety of input stylesheets and xqueries.
>Note that the project is still in its infant shoes, but slowly we're 
>progressing towards our main goal: porting the Saxon Java code to C#, 
>in other words, completely based on .NET.
>Trying out the download of the early Beta v0.5 is as your own risk. 
>There's no support other than the forums on
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Geert Josten [mailto:Geert.Josten@xxxxxxxxxxx]
>Sent: Saturday, October 30, 2004 10:43 AM
>To: xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Subject: Re: [xsl] Performance degraded with grouping and sorting.
>Hi Michael,
>>The other way of tackling this, if you can't move to 2.0, might be to 
>>do a sort on the data first, and then do the grouping by means of a 
>>comparison with the immediately preceding sibling.
>As I suggested..
>Are there any implementations of XSLT 2, other that Saxon?
>IT-consultant at Daidalos BV, Zoetermeer (NL)
>GPG: 1024D/12DEBB50

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