[xsl] problems in formatting date time

Subject: [xsl] problems in formatting date time
From: Shantanu Gera <shantanu.gera@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 20 Apr 2005 20:14:34 +0530
Hi All ,
I am trying to use format-dateTime function in the following way

<!--<xsl:variable name="orderDateCasted" select="$orderDate cast as
xs:dateTime"/> -->
<!-- format-dateTime($orderDate,[FNn] [D] [MNn] [Y] [h]:[m01]
[PN],"en",(),()) -->
<!--<TR> <TD> <font class="bodyText">Order submitted on: <xsl:value-of
select="format-dateTime($orderDate,[FNn] [D] [MNn] [Y] [h]:[m01]
[PN],"en",(),())"/> </font></TD> </TR>

but this is not allowed and I am getting error (Xalan is the xslt
processor ,latest version asof today )

SystemId Unknown; Line #147; Column #84; XSLT Error
javax.xml.transform.TransformerException: Extra illegal tokens:
'cast', 'as', 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema', ':', 'dateTime'

Can someone tell me what is the error or other wise how can I format a date ,
My date is in format "2004-06-29T15:36:32+05:30"
and I have to change it to "Monday 28 Mar 2005"

Thanks in advance

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