Re: [xsl] Recognized Unicode characters?

Subject: Re: [xsl] Recognized Unicode characters?
From: Dimitre Novatchev <dnovatchev@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 10 May 2005 06:51:14 +1000
> Is there a particular browser-supported font I should be using?

I've been using "Arial Unicode MS" for several years. It displays
correctly (what seems) all unicode characters.


Dimitre Novatchev

On 5/10/05, Edward Bryant <bryant_edward@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I had not thought about the font setting as being a potential problem. I
> it set as the browser's default "times new roman." When I changed the font
> around in windows notepad I was able to view the em-dash, so I am assuming
> now that the font is the problem. I still get the box character under
> "arial" as well as "times new roman" (the seemingly two most popular).
> So, this gets me back to an earlier post (where when I sought a way to
> ensure that a character was output as a character reference) I was advised
> not to worry about whether the XSLT processor decided to output a character
> entity or not (or at least that it shouldn't matter). I was trying to do
> this because I had heard that browser support for the char-refs was better
> than the native characters. Doesn't problems like this one show that it
> matter?
> Is there a particular browser-supported font I should be using?
> Does this mean that my limited font choices will be further limited?
> Setting the encoding to US-ASCII seems to be an agreeable solution, but
> I set the encoding to "US-ASCII", I get a message that it is not supported
> (using insant saxon).
> Can someone just tell me what settings (output, font, etc.) they would use
> when outputing html to be viewed by standard browsers?

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