Re: [xsl] Simple (external XML) internationalization with XSLT?

Subject: Re: [xsl] Simple (external XML) internationalization with XSLT?
From: Robert Koberg <rob@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 03 Oct 2005 12:04:23 -0400
knocte wrote:

Interesting but, cannot this be done without so much writting in each i18n call? Can't it be simplified? Isn't there other method?

Cannot I write something like this?:

<i18n:text key="1" />

And transform it automatically to:

<xsl:value-of select="document('en-US.xml')//i18n:language/i18n:hash-list/i18n:string[@key='1']"


Do you want the localized text to be resolved at transform time? In other words, are you transforming out to something like JSP and that should resolve it at runtime?

Or if your transformation happens at runtime you couold look at how cocoon handles this:


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