Re: [xsl] Office 2007, XSL-FO, and the Adobe "Save as PDF" (non)native-support...

Subject: Re: [xsl] Office 2007, XSL-FO, and the Adobe "Save as PDF" (non)native-support...
From: "J.Pietschmann" <j3322ptm@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 06 Jun 2006 01:51:04 +0200
Kamal Bhatt wrote:
Thanks, I was thinking about using it instead of FOP. Thanks for saving me the hassle :).

The development of JFOR has been discontinued quite some time ago. The code has been donated to the ASF and was integrated into Apache FOP. RTF output is still inferior compared to other output formats produced by FOP, but there has been significant progress in the last six months.


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