Re: [xsl] XSLT Text Processing: Fun with Anagrams

Subject: Re: [xsl] XSLT Text Processing: Fun with Anagrams
From: "Rashmi Rubdi" <rashmi.sub@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2007 22:34:38 -0400
I would like to make an amendment to my previous post --- the
apostrophe is fine, I think because it is included in the anagram key
- sorry it was hard to notice, but now it makes sense.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ java -jar c:\dev\saxonb8-9-0-3j\saxon8.jar dictEnglish.xml testGenerateAnagramDict.xsl > output.xml

Everthing looks great in the output except for one small thing: I
noticed that words with apostrophes were also being considered.

For example:
<aChain key="'aainprsst"><w>aspirant's</w><w>partisan's</w></aChain>

I think the above should be (if I'm not wrong with my understanding of
English words):
<aChain key="'aainprsst"><w>aspirants</w><w>partisans</w></aChain>

-Regards Rashmi

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