RE: [xsl] Rounding errors in financial app transforms

Subject: RE: [xsl] Rounding errors in financial app transforms
From: Justin Johansson <procode@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 27 Jul 2007 23:48:42 +0900
Hi Abel (last responder) et. al.,

Wow, that's around 21 bids on this thread :-)   A sincere thanks
to all is due by the OP for the fabulous response on the OQ.

At 01:07 PM 27/07/2007 +0200, you wrote:
>> Anyone who thinks they know the accounting standards for every
>> country in the world is almost certainly mistaken.
>Not a person, no, but there is a non-profit organization, called
>IBFD (, which claims to have all the tax and
>accounting details of just about every country in the world. I
>believe they even have an XML based interface to receive updates,
>perhaps you can localize (in terms of tax and financial
>calculations) your XSLT with this interface? ;)
>-- Abel

Justin Johansson

*** A horse with no name is called Lambda ***

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