RE: [xsl] Up Conversion - Best Practice

Subject: RE: [xsl] Up Conversion - Best Practice
From: "Kevin Bird" <kevin.bird@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 8 May 2008 17:59:46 +0100
> in which case you can (if you want) concatenate the regexp together
> separated by | and just use one regexp and one xsl:analyze-string then
> test inside the xsl:matching-substring which case you are in by
> which regex-group() are non empty.

Here is one of my regular expressions which is capturing 13 groups.

<xsl:analyze-string select="$input-file"
\.([0-9]+) ex (.*?)&lt;enr&gt;(.*?)\)([0-9,

So I probably don't want to concatenate all ten into one line!!

Any other suggestions?

Kind regards.


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