Re: [xsl] Changing the Attibute Value

Subject: Re: [xsl] Changing the Attibute Value
From: Abel Braaksma <>
Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2008 09:14:36 +0200
Hi Buddhi,

What is your specific question regarding this? Where do you go wrong? Do you have a certain error that bugs you? Can you show us the XSLT file you've got thus far?

Just asking "please do this project with these and that specs for me" is usually not going to work, since all people on this list are volunteers. On the other hand, if you want your project done by somebody else, many on this list may gladly provide you with professional services, paid of course :)

-- Abel --

Buddhi D. Mahindarathne wrote:
Dear All, I want to transform following using XSLT 1.0

<VisualObject xsi:type="CChamferEx">
       <Address>Laser Job.Layer.ChamferedRectangle1</Address>

And get the output like this:

<VisualObject xsi:type="CFilletEx">
       <Address>Laser Job.Layer.Fillet1</Address>

Here are the things associated with this,

1. Attribute Change
2. Change last part on DOT separated value (I need to keep the last
value with the "Fillet" like [Fillet1] - in the sample number "one") 3. Change the Chamfer to Fillet, but need to keep the last number like
above case.

Please help me on this.

- Regards
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