Re: [xsl] FO Table widths - table-layout fixed behaviour and use

Subject: Re: [xsl] FO Table widths - table-layout fixed behaviour and use
From: "G. Ken Holman" <gkholman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 03 Oct 2008 14:00:00 -0400
At 2008-10-03 10:27 -0700, you wrote:
Just bubbling this back to the top of the list... I'm going to play
with this feature a little today, so will be able offer some feedback
on this one.

[From July 22nd, I wrote]
Ok, when I correctly use column-width for table-column, the fixed
width layout and total width of table renders as expected:  a 5 inch
wide table.

However, I am with Tony, and assuming that the same result could be
achieved as I originally suggested, by specifying table-cell widths in
each table-cell of the first row.  This does not seem to be supported
though.  Can anyone confirm this?

Looking at section 6.7.3 I note that in the absence of an inline-progression-dimension= *on the table itself* the automatic table layout *shall* be used, which can make up its own mind.

The operative paragraph reads:

  The inline-progression-dimension of the content-rectangle of the table
  is the sum of the inline-progression-dimensions of the columns in the
  table grid. The method used to determine these inline-progression-
  dimensions is governed by the values of the table-layout and the
  inline-progression-dimension traits in the following manner

  (after which the combinations show that fixed table layout is only
  used when the width of the content rectangle of the table is specified;
  otherwise the automatic table layout *shall* be used).

Also, one more behaviour which I am use to, is the omition of 1
table-cell width of a set of declared table cell widths would result
in a table width of 100%, where the omitted table-cell width stretches
to accomodate (all other table-cell widths adhere to their designated
width value).  Is this the expected behaviour of FO?

I think that paragraph above is quite explicit. If you don't specify a width on the table then automatic table layout will be used. If you don't specify the width of columns using table-column= then when using automatic table layout the formatter can make any decisions it wishes on the unspecified column widths for the entire table.

I've worked through some tests with a few formatters and I'm getting consistent and expected results.

I hope this helps.

. . . . . . . Ken

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G. Ken Holman                 mailto:gkholman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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