RE: [xsl] Default actions in XSLT 2.1

Subject: RE: [xsl] Default actions in XSLT 2.1
From: "Michael Kay" <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 31 Oct 2008 23:10:21 -0000
> I would propose:
>   <xsl:mode default-action="clone"/>
> I would suggest to consider the verb:
>   <xsl:process/>
> or
>   <xsl:processing-mode/>
> instead of <xsl:mode/>
> as we already have a "mode" attribute with slightly different 
> scope (template selection).

The idea is to make modes (the things named in the mode attribute of
xsl:template and xsl:apply-templates) first class objects that can have
properties; the properties would be declared as attributes of an xsl:mode
declaration; one of the properties is the choice of default template rules
for the mode. An xsl:mode declaration with no name attribute declares the
properties of the unnamed ("default") mode, just as an xsl:decimal-format
declaration with no name defines properties of the default decimal-format.

No doubt the choice of keywords will continue to provide entertainment for
some while; I tend to the view that when you hear people arguing the
spelling of the keywords, it's like when a sales prospect starts arguing
about the price; you can smell victory.

Michael Kay

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