[xsl] Re: question on random numbers for browser XSLT

Subject: [xsl] Re: question on random numbers for browser XSLT
From: "Vladimir Nesterovsky" <vladimir@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2009 23:48:33 +0300
If you have decided to go with a service providing random numbers then xslt-ish way (set based) to do it would be a service receiving a number and returning an xml with a specified number of random numbers.
Vladimir Nesterovsky

To Ben:
The cache-append idea was my first thought, but I couldn't think of a
way to pull together how to have each request be unique. It's possible
using node-set(), though:
      <xsl:when test="function-available('exsl:node-set')">
        <xsl:value-of select="document(concat('/cgi-bin/rand.pl?',
'&amp;x=', generate-id(exsl:node-set($seed))))" />
      <xsl:when test="function-available('msxsl:node-set')">
        <xsl:value-of select="document(concat('/cgi-bin/rand.pl?',
'&amp;x=', generate-id(msxsl:node-set($seed))))" />

I tried your solution and after replacing '&amp;x=' with '+' it directly worked on my local web server! (I did not know that generate-id works in a browser)

But as already posted it did not work after installed on my real webserver
because that does not have enough power to handle the six document opens.

Btw, I really like the solution of David Carlisle to provide exslt:node-set
for IE browsers (and not having to deal with exslt/msxml):

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