Re: [xsl] XSLT for Mashups

Subject: Re: [xsl] XSLT for Mashups
From: Florent Georges <lists@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 5 Mar 2010 17:44:43 +0000 (GMT)
Liam R E Quin wrote:


> Since then, the XML Processing Model Working
Group (XProc)'s
> pipelining language has some support for HTTP, and I think
> offer a better answer.

  Actually, I rewrote the design of the HTTP
Client in the early
days to match the design of p:http-request (the structure
of the
elements, the names of the elements and attributes, etc.)  So at
end of the day, it provides the functionality of the standard
XProc step back
to all XPath-based languages.

> But yes, let's talk in Prague about it - it's
actually one of
> the topics for my session too: should we (W3C) do more work
> *around* the current scope of XSLT and XQuery, e.g. fitting
> XProc and XSLT
and Query together more tightly

  I think the main problem here is that XProc
is not based on
XDM.  If it was not that far in the standardization process, I
guess there would be enough voices to change that, but that's not
an option
anymore, sadly.  I am sure that is going to cause some
pain in the next few

> or maybe enough of a Web framework that people can use these
languages as back ends for Web apps directly.  There seems to
> be quite a bit
of interest in such things.

  That's one of the two main topics of my
presentation.  My new
website is based on an
implementation of the EXPath Webapp module (still in draft stage,
that's a kind of servlet container) for instance.  But shush,
more in XML
Prague ;-)


Florent Georges

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