RE: [xsl] using xsl:call-template dynamicly

Subject: RE: [xsl] using xsl:call-template dynamicly
From: Red Light <skydelta98@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2010 05:15:46 -0700 (PDT)
Hi Michael,

"You're using Saxon extensions here, so it's a Saxon question rather than a
general XSLT question"

sorry for that , in fact i would prefer a general xslt solution too(to avoid comment for my boss :d ).

what i'm tryng to do :

i generate a pdf report true(apache fop) i transform a xml source of data to pdf.

in my pdf report i have (sub-section), each sub-section could contain one or many pages.

i want to automate the printing:
for example: i got a main xsl template file (where i import the sub-section):


in the top of my main.xsl i import the sub_file like:

    <xsl:import href="draw_sales.xsl"/>
        <xsl:import href="draw_bills.xsl"/>

and in this draw_sales.xsl:i got something like:

<xsl:template  match="printListSales">

now late consider that in my source xml file i add en element:

(i added just an example file )

and i want to automate the calling of the xsl function that are included in the template ; so i don't have to edit the main file each time ('m designing an application that gonna be used for a third part and i need to automate the call-template call)

so basicly in my main xsl file

i want to do loop
and call:
<xsl:call-template name="{$var1}" ></xsl:call-template>

how could i achieve that because xsl:call-template need a QNAME

and thanks for your help

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