Re: [xsl] Rebuild an element without copying defaulted attributes?

Subject: Re: [xsl] Rebuild an element without copying defaulted attributes?
From: "Abel Braaksma (Exselt) abel@xxxxxxxxxx" <xsl-list-service@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 21:14:29 -0000
> I'm looking for a generalized solution so I didn't have to search
> the DTD for all defaulted vaules. I just happened to catch
> xml:space as I had a different problem that I fixed.

Remember that in XML there is no difference between the defaulted value of the
attribute set through the DTD and the same value set explicitly. Also, unless
you copy the same DTD to the output, you would lose this default value if you
remove it as in the examples shown, which is why the attribute with default
value is considered to be present on the <pre> and other elements on which it
is defined.

Removing it the way you did, and similar for any other defaults, may alter the
way the XML is rendered or interpreted, unless you recreate the same defaults
through a DTD. If that is intentional (i.e., if you indeed want to remove any
attribute that has a default value), straight XSLT may not be the ideal
solution, because this DTD information is not annotated / retained on the
nodes, either during processing or in the result.

For automated processing, XML with the explicit or implicit default attribute
is the same.


Abel Braaksma
Exselt streaming XSLT 3.0 processor

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