[xsl] Re: XSLT 2 I have a for-each, When there is only 1 instance

Subject: [xsl] Re: XSLT 2 I have a for-each, When there is only 1 instance
From: "Chris Papademetrious christopher.papademetrious@xxxxxxxxxxxx" <xsl-list-service@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 5 Jul 2023 13:57:35 -0000
Hi Phillip,

This is difficult for me to follow. Can you please post a simplified XSLT (no
namespaces, no unnecessary element hierarchy, use generic values, etc.), plus
a sample input document and expected output document?

In other words, try to distill your question down to the very essence of what
you are trying to achieve, then when you have an answer, expand it back into
the context of your actual situation on your side.

  *   Chris

From: LEGAULT, PHILLIP plegault@xxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Wednesday, July 5, 2023 9:51 AM
To: xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [xsl] XSLT 2 I have a for-each, When there is only 1 instance

XSLT 2 I have a for-each for consumer initials , When there is only 1 instance
I want to display just the 1 initials. If there are 2 I a want it to display
with PL, JL, etc.

Here is what I have:
test="/records/sf:Product_GCC__r/sf:Locale_GCC__r/sf:Region_GCC__c = 'EMEA'">

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