Re: [xsl] How to declaratively describe a mapping that involves breaking a string apart and reassembling the parts with an additional symbol?

Subject: Re: [xsl] How to declaratively describe a mapping that involves breaking a string apart and reassembling the parts with an additional symbol?
From: "Piez, Wendell A. (Fed) wendell.piez@xxxxxxxx" <xsl-list-service@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2024 14:43:10 -0000

The path forward here leads through XSpec.

The theoretical question is interesting. Whether all mappings can be formally
specified is doubtful. However some would argue (circularly) that if it is not
at least potentially expressible formally, it is not a mapping. Others might
counter that such an imaginary mapping (one that is 'potentially expressible
formally') isn't a mapping either, whereas some things that aren't formalized,
or fully formalized, act like mappings.

(Look up 'intensional' vs 'extensional' for more on philosophy.)

And it may be that even XSLT stylesheets are only partly formalized.

This leads me to conclude that the 'solution' for you lies not in theory or in
satisfying abstract requirements such as 'it must be declarative', so much as
teasing apart your mapping and finding ways to express it formally, in an
effort to understand it better and to expose (codify; express formally) that

For this, XSpec is perfect.

Good luck,

-----Original Message-----
From: Roger L Costello costello@xxxxxxxxx
Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2024 9:21 AM
To: xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [xsl] How to declaratively describe a mapping that involves breaking
a string apart and reassembling the parts with an additional symbol?

Hi Folks,

I am mapping an old XML format to a new XML format.

To carry out the mapping, I want to write as little code as possible; instead,
I want to declaratively describe the mapping in an XML document and then have
a tiny piece of generic code which, with little or no knowledge of the old and
new formats, carries out the mappings described in the XML document.

I am having a hard time with some descriptions. Here's an illustration:

I want to map this old XML:


to this new XML:


Here is one way to perform the mapping:

        <xsl:value-of select="
            if (substring($magVar,1,1) eq 'E') then 'East'
            else if (substring($magVar,1,1) eq 'W') then 'West'
            else 'True'"/>
        <xsl:value-of select="

That is a fine way to perform the mapping. However, it is not the way that I
want to do it because the mapping is expressed procedurally, not
declaratively. I want the mapping expressed declaratively.

I can declaratively express part of the mapping -- map the first character E
to East, W to West, T to True -- using this description:

            <Magnetic_Variation col="1" length="1">E</Magnetic_Variation>
            <Magnetic_Variation col="1" length="1">W</Magnetic_Variation>
            <Magnetic_Variation col="1" length="1">T</Magnetic_Variation>

I do not know how to declaratively describe the other part of the mapping --
map dddd to ddd.d (where d = digit). I could do this:

            <Magnetic_Variation col="2" length="4"></Magnetic_Variation>

But that is unacceptable (to me) because the description contains code.

How do I declaratively describe this mapping?

Bonus points if you can also answer this question:

Computer Science Theory Question: If it is impossible to declaratively express
the above mapping, does that mean there is a limit to declarative
descriptions? Is the set of declarative descriptions smaller than the set of
procedural descriptions?


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