[xsl] Doing math in XSLT?

Subject: [xsl] Doing math in XSLT?
From: "dvint@xxxxxxxxx" <xsl-list-service@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 1 Apr 2024 18:36:55 -0000
I have the following XML

	<entry nameend="col2" namest="col1">
		<p>OpenID Connect client settings</p>
			>The following parameters are only applicable
			when this client supports the OpenID Connect use

The attributes nameend="col2" namest="col1" indicate that this row spans 2 columns (end - start + 1).

I've tried this to try and get the numbers 1 and 2 from these strings, but I get NaN errors

<xsl:variable name="start"
	select="number(substring-after(@namest, 'col'))" as="xs:double"/>
<xsl:variable name="end"
	select="number(substring-after(@nameend, 'col'))" as="xs:double"/>

I've tried this in different combinations with/without the as="xs:double" and number() and those variations throw the same error.

The table itself has this information

<table colsep="0" frame="none" id="table_post_oauthClients_endpoints"
	<tgroup align="left" cols="2">
		<colspec colname="col1" colnum="1" colwidth="1*"/>
		<colspec colname="col2" colnum="2" colwidth="3*"/>
				<entry colname="col1">Parameter</entry>
				<entry colname="col2">Description</entry>

I'll try referencing the <colspec> element and using the @column value, but that seems like it will give me the same issue.


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