Re: [stella] Contests

Subject: Re: [stella] Contests
From: Piero Cavina <p.cavina@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 5 Mar 1998 00:13:18 +0100
At 16:09 -0500 5-03-1998, Chris Cracknell wrote:

>It would be fun to have a contest where the object is to take an existing
>game and then
>turn it into an entirely different type of game by modifying as little of
>the source code as possible.

Hey, I was thinking about same thing!
Consider Adventure, for example. Its kernel is very compact and clear. Take
it out of that game, and if you've anything in mind that can be done with 2
sprites, a ball and a symmetrical playfield, then the hard work is already
done. Hmm, I'd have a couple of ideas...

>I guess in a way that Oystron was at written totally on the fly since it
>just started out as a multi-sprite demo and just evolved from there.

More or less. Some things come very quickly, others take ages. The sad but
true thing is that it's really a pain in the ass to tweak and adjust
everything so that the final product looks and plays really good <g>.

>If you put Oystron on a CD you should include the multi-sprite demo that
>spawned it so people can see just how different the game was when it started

Those early releases are already on the web page...

>Infact it might be easier to write games on the fly rather than to sit
>down and plan out every last detail before you start to code. This way
>you don't end up over reaching the limits of the 2600 and/or the limits
>of your programming ability.

Let's say that the best thing would be to sit down and write code for 2
days until you fall asleep. But this is possible only if a) you're paid for
this, or b) you're a nerd :-)


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