Re: [stella] Alfred's Challenge?

Subject: Re: [stella] Alfred's Challenge?
From: jeffgamer@xxxxxxxxxxxx (jeff rothkopf)
Date: Wed, 29 Apr 1998 00:47:31 -0400 (EDT)
>At 14:45 -0400 27-04-1998, jeff rothkopf wrote:
>>>The website for the World of Atari 98 meeting list in the
>>>events section that a French programmer will be selling
>>>his new game for the VCS, Alfred's Challenge.
>>>Does anyone know who this guy is and what his game is like?
>>Yes, I picked up an advance copy of the game from him.
>What do you mean, a cart or a .BIN?!


>Do you know, if the game has been tested for PAL compatibility?
>And is the programmer the same guy, that wrote the VCS emulator,
>or are there other VCS programmers in France too?

Well, my version plays fine on do that, both difficulty switches
should be in the "a" position.  PAL version should be with both switches in
the "b" position.  One of the switches controls the colors, the other
controls the number of lines displayed on the screen.

I hope that helps...!  (and feel free to ask me other questions)  ;-)


IMPORTANT:  Due to fairly heavy off-line work, hard drive crash, and
settling-into-the-new-house demands, I may still experience some delays in
responding to e-mail messages.  Feel free to send me gentle reminder
messages if you don't hear back from me after a couple of days, or even to
phone me if you feel the phone number is below.

*** Screenwriter, Songwriter, Playwright, Novelist
*** Tutor for SAT, GRE, LSAT, GMAT, SSAT, PSAT, TOEFL, English, Grammar,
    Writing, History, Algebra, Geometry, Statistics, Science, Psychology
    Study Skills
*** Psychologist (Ph.D from the University of Miami).
*** Professor at Miami-Dade Community College
*** Collector of Atari 2600, 5200, 7800; Colecovision; Intellivision; Odyssey;
    Microvision; Adventurevision; Virtual Boy; & Vectrex.  Also collect many
    other classic videogame and 8-bit computer systems, carts, and
    peripherals, such as Bally or Texas Instruments TI99, pong units, Atari
    Video Music, video game-related magazines and boxes, plus some handhelds.
    Will buy and trade items.  Will also sell some of my extras.

=== Jeffrey S. Rothkopf, 305-378-6133

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