Re: [stella] 4 colour playfield - final R&D demo

Subject: Re: [stella] 4 colour playfield - final R&D demo
From: <kurt.woloch@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 15 May 1998 14:26:32 +0200
At Fri May 15 12:51:17 1998, A. Davie wrote:

>>OK, I looked at it again. It runs... anyway, I can't figure out what it
>>should get when it's ready - it all looks too confusing. Could you
>>please explain what sort of game it should be?
>There is something important that you are not understanding.  This is NOT a
>game.  R&D stands for "research and development".  The idea is that I am
>exploring a new technique which allows 4 colours on the screen at the same
>time.  The bat demo may look pretty, but it only has that single black
>colour, and thats all it can do.  Sure, anyone can cycle the colours of the
>background every scan line - but try to get 4 non-background colours up.
>So, when you prefer the bat demo to the 4 colour playfield demo - I have to
>disagree.  The bat demo offers no further potential - it is doing something
>quite simple.  The 4 colour playfield demo opens the door to interesting
>future possibilities.  One was written just to look pretty, and the other as
>research into a technique.
>Care to reconsider?

OK, I care to reconsider. Sorry for my criticism, I didn't want to make
you angry.
Still, if it is a demo... I think it shoud be more documented, so that
anyone viewing it knows what it's for. At the bat demo, I'm pretty sure
that its only purpose is to show a bat. At your one, it's not that
obvious. I don't see that many colors, either (on my PCAE, that is). The
border is somewhat orange, and some other objects are displayed in light
red, or red. On a blue background, which yours is, it's hard to tell the
difference between these two colors, especially if they're flashing.
(It's the same with the monsters in 2600 Pac-Man, appearing in light red
against a blue background) Maybe you should try to use colors that are
more different from each other, or a darker blue background, or
something like that, so that it's obvious that different colors should
be shown. I didn't want to shoot your 4-colour demo to the ground - not
at all. I appreciate anyone trying to put together something for such an
old system. If you decide to leave it this way, it's OK as well - I also
have tried on many programs who were not completed in the others' eyes,
but satisfied my needs or the issues I tried to explore.
So, please forgive me!

With love (and maybe a lack of understanding)

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