[stella] How big is Kill the Paratrooper?

Subject: [stella] How big is Kill the Paratrooper?
From: Ruffin Bailey <rufbo@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 23 May 98 20:36:09 -0500
Sorry, I know that's not the name of your game, but everytime I think of 
the word sabotage, the Beastie Boys start back up in my head.  Dang it, 
there they go again!  

So Bob, I know the game is getting real close to having used up all the 
2600's RAM, but how much ROM are you using now?  Iirc, the last bin was 
an 8k file, but how much of that are you using?

And while I'm started, how about TPS or Oystron or DM?


Ruffin Bailey
rufbo at cetlink.net

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