Re: [stella] Prop Cycles

Subject: Re: [stella] Prop Cycles
From: <kurt.woloch@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 27 May 1998 09:08:25 +0200
On Tue May 26 01:54:05 1998, Chris Wilkson wrote:

>> Last night I hooked up my 2600 and tried to "prop up" the Pitfall II
>> cart, as described here earlier. Guess what? It *worked*! Thank you
>> guys. Still I wonder if there's a way to get it working again without
>> needing to be propped.
>You probably can't do it without propping or without opening the cart and
>doing some fancy soldering work.  The problem is the fact that the printed
>circuit board is too thin. (figure a) Pushing the end of the cart simply
>changes the angle of insertion to allow both sides of the board to make
>contact with the connector. (figure b)  If you open the cart and add solder
>the contacts, they will be thicker and will make good contact, but if they're
>too thick they could permanently deform the connector in the 2600.

OK, I won't go for that...

>Your Mangia cart may still have valid code.  If the contacts don't go all the
>way to the edge of the board, they may not make contact on one side. (figure
>Try pushing it the other way...

OK, now I tried the "backwards propping" too... but it still didn't
work. But that doesn't really matter to me,
to me.
Mama, just killed a man... sorry, out of topic.

Anyway, tomorrow I'll get rid of the Mangia, and in a few weeks someone
else will have the chance to try again...

>Don't know about your interference problems...

These are not problems, I only wanted to share my experiences and was
curious if someone else encountered that.

And from Eric:

>On my TV, they're a lot more visible when the color saturation knob is
>turned up really high, and they do go away during the wait for a WSYNC.
>My favorites are games like Kaboom and Super Breakout, where you can
>watch the paddle tracking by the different interference on different

So, that means Mario Bros just waits for some WSYNC's in the
mid-title-screen, while Ms. Pac-Man already does something else while
the lower screen border is displayed. Anyone confirm?

With love (and many WSYNCs to wait for)
Kurt Woloch

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