Re: [stella] Linux?

Subject: Re: [stella] Linux?
From: Greg Troutman <mor@xxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 24 Jun 1998 18:04:06 -0700
Teknovore wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 24, 1998 at 11:04:18AM -0400, Craig Maloney wrote:
> > Anyone doing 6502 under linux? What exactly do I need to get going with
> > this?
> The tools available are fairly scant at the moment. I mentioned this a
> while back, and had intended to write a nicer 6502 assembler that
> dasm. 

FWIW, Dark Mage and This Planet Sucks! were written on my Linux system
using NEDIT, DASM, XSTELLA, DISTELLA, and MAKEWAV.  I had to compile
Distella and Makewav from Bob's source, and I think there was just a 10
or 15 minute detour before they came out breathing fire...  I don't
think any other programs were ever involved.  More and better tools are
great, but I think there's a line you can cross over and start to dabble
in the absurd...  


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