[stella] This may not be fixable... or is it?

Subject: [stella] This may not be fixable... or is it?
From: John K Harvey <jkharvey@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 28 Sep 1998 18:28:47 -0500
Ok, guys.  Here's a more intelligent question for you.
It has to do with HMOVE.  Whenever I use it, there is this ugly black bar 
thing that appears over my P0 object on the left of the screen.
Is this a difficult thing to clean up?  I left out some of the other code
that does not pertain to this problem.

;Here are my declarations:

        LDA #192; move P0 right
        STA HMP0
        LDA #80; move P1 left
        STA HMP1

;Here's the culprit loop:

        STA RESP0
        LDA #11
STU:    SBC #1
        BNE STU;waste time
        STA RESP1
        LDX #7
        STA WSYNC
        STA HMOVE;comment me out and there'sno line, but no way to move P0
and P1 to start positions...
        LDA GRAPH,X
        STA GRP0
        LDA GRAPH2,X
        STA GRP1
        STA WSYNC
        BPL LOOPY
; other loop stuff here.

;And here are my graphics:

        .byte #%00000000
        .byte #%10000000
        .byte #%11111000
        .byte #%11111111
        .byte #%11111000        
        .byte #%10000000
        .byte #%00000000
        .byte #%00000000
        .byte #%00000000
        .byte #%00000001
        .byte #%00011111
        .byte #%11111111
        .byte #%00011111        
        .byte #%00000001
        .byte #%00000000
        .byte #%00000000

-John K. Harvey

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