Re: [stella] Beat em up 08

Subject: Re: [stella] Beat em up 08
From: Bob Colbert <retroware@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 10 Nov 1998 12:10:05 -0600
At 01:21 AM 11/11/98 +1000, you wrote:
>I'd assume it'd make the binary images smaller for "sparsely used" ROM
>Of course, these would be unusable in Stella unless it was modified (or the
>format changed).  But if you had some slow loader mechanism for a real VCS/
>Supercharger/whatever.... where every byte saved trimmed the debug cycle
>times... it'd be worth it.

Makewav already determines if a .bin has unused pages and does not load
those into the Supercharger - this seems unnecessary :)


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