Re: [stella] Atari 7800

Subject: Re: [stella] Atari 7800
From: Bob Colbert <retroware@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 17 Nov 1998 06:48:09 -0600
Well, last night I looked at the code a bit and didn't really get anywhere.
 I'm fairly suspicious of the decryption algorithm because the programer
went through great pains to make the code difficult to trace.  I would
think that if the decryption were TRUELY a 960 bit IRREVERSABLE algorithm,
there would be no need to make the code difficult to trace.  Granted I was
tired, so maybe it's not as difficult as I think, but it's a pain in the
butt nonetheless.  If anyone else is looking at this, I have a question:

Somebody mentioned that there is a byte in the last bank of the games that
indicates where the code to run the encryption against resides.  I have
been unable to determine where that byte is.  All I see is the code working
on the cart between $ff00 and $ffff, where the key lies in the bytes from
$ff80 and $fff8.  So I would have to assume that the only place this
information could be is $fff8/$fff9 or $fffa/$fffb?

I've altered my approach at tackling this a bit.  The first thing I want to
do is get the code to successfully decrypt a cartridge using a 6502
simulator.  From there I will translate the code to C, then attempt to
reverse engineer it.  I won't have any time to look at this until tomorrow

While getting permission to use the monitor cart would be great, I still
think it would be fun to pursue figuring out the encryption!


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