Re: [stella] Poll: Developer Wishlist

Subject: Re: [stella] Poll: Developer Wishlist
From: Robin Harbron <macbeth@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 09:01:25 -0500
Erik Mooney wrote:
> And include a menu option "Play to Supercharger" where it'd assemble,
> makewav, and play it in one step.
> Or pretty much anything more integrated than what I'm using now, which is
> DOS EDIT, DASM, PCAE, Makewav, and the Windows media player.  (Was there
> a tie-them-together program that I missed somewhere along the way?  I've
> a funny feeling there was...)

For what it's worth, my development environment the C64 does exactly
this - it works together with Turbo Macro Pro - an integrated editor/
assembler, and then my (resident) program automagically plays out the
assembled program through the SID into the Supercharger.  Yup, it runs
on a stock C64, but having an extra 128K or more Ram Expansion Unit
makes it even nicer.

My page:

Turbo Macro Pro:

Due to the extremely precise timing involved in the playbin routine,
it really doesn't seem to work on an emulator.

Yes, this probably ranks as one of the top 10 most obscure programs
ever made.  But it's fast, and very non-tedious.  A couple keystrokes,
and your program is assembled and playing into the SC.  One more, and
you're right back in the editor, with the cursor right where you left
it - this might sound minor, but DOS EDIT drives me nuts, having to 
find my place over again.
Robin Harbron    macbeth@xxxxxxxxxxx

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