Re: [stella] a "pot" of confusion

Subject: Re: [stella] a "pot" of confusion
From: Erik Mooney <emooney@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 28 May 1999 09:51:24 -0400 (EDT)
> hmmm, well there are two things that just dont quite fly with this method
> described
> earlier...first, if i only receive the end result (counter value) at overscan,
> then that
> means i would have to draw the block/player/man/whatever on the next frame, and

Notice how just about all the paddle games put your paddle at the bottom
of the screen?  They terminate their polling loop just before displaying
the paddle, then immediately use that value to position the paddle.  The
vertical paddle games (Video Olympics) just start displaying the paddle on
the fly during the screen whenever the read bit goes high.

Some games, though, will have to latch the paddle position and display it
on the next frame.  Warlords comes to mind.

> two, after looking over the stella document some more, i noticed that positioning
> players, missiles and balls isnt as simple as, say, putting in a coordinate in
> the horizontal sense...unless i had some really sophisticated code and used the
> HMOVE register and the horizontal relative movement registers to move it
> accordingly...

It's not all that sophisticated, and yes that is what you need to do to
make sprites move in a horizontal direction.  Just positioning two sprites
during VBLANK time and then displaying them on screen (ie, Combat) is
pretty easy.  It's when you start reusing sprites within a frame that
things get trickier.

> one more question and then ill probably wait for a while b4 asking more ;-) one,
> it seems that a great fraction of the roms out there will not run on a
> supercharger
> without crashing according to bob colbert...anyway, what i want to know is, what
> can be done to prevent that from happening?

Well, first off, only ROMs that are simple 2k or 4k with no bankswitching
have a chance of working.  Satisfying that, the code will work as long as
it never tries to access location $FFF8 (or $FFF9?).  That's the
Supercharger's control register, which does stuff like enabling writes to
the Supercharger RAM, which is a Bad Thing if the game is supposed to be

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