Re: [stella] High Scores

Subject: Re: [stella] High Scores
From: Eckhard Stolberg <Eckhard_Stolberg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 16:29:40 +0200
At 00:44 26.08.99 GMT, you wrote:

>River Raid, I can't figure out how the score is stored.

River Raid uses the vectors for the six-digit-score routine to store
the score.

$80 contains the selected number of players ($00 or $01)

$F4 contains the player who is in turn ($00 or $01)

$C0/$C1 contains the graphics vector for the number of reserve planes
for the current player. If $C0 is $58, then the current player has
lost all it's planes. ($59 indicates that the player is using his last

$CD, $CF, $D1, $D3, $D5 and $D7 contain the low bytes for the score
graphics vectors. $CD is the leftmost digit and $D7 is the rightmost.
A value of $xx represents 'X':

$00 = '0'
$08 = '1'
$10 = '2'
$18 = '3'
$20 = '4'
$28 = '5'
$30 = '6'
$38 = '7'
$40 = '8'
$48 = '9'
$50 = '!'
$58 = ' '
$59 = ' ' (used when no extra planes are left, but the game is still running)

In a two-player game $DD, $DF, $E1, $E3, $E5 and $E7 hold the low
bytes for the graphic vectors for the player who is not in turn.

While I would second Erik's idea for a configurable highscore save
feature, I think it would be pretty complex to provide a scripting
language that would allow INI files to specify the way how the score
is stored, due to the very different ways that games use to store the
score. Maybe the INI file should contain a little 6507 binary that
gets executed when a certain trap value for one of the VCS RAM addresses
is reached. It could then transfer the score into a unified format
for the emulator to read.

BTW Glenn, if you prefer to use games for this feature, that are
actually on the CD, you should tell us which games that will be. ;-)

Ciao, Eckhard Stolberg

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