Re: [stella] An exercise in minimalism...

Subject: Re: [stella] An exercise in minimalism...
From: "Andrew Davie" <adavie@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 2 Sep 1999 14:24:48 +1000
> > LDY #$FF ;2
> > LDX #0 ;2
> >B1      STX 0,Y ;2
> > DEY ;1
> > BNE B1 ;2
> You could change the first two lines of this to LDX #0 and TXY to save one
> byte.  It'll still work.

Yes it will, but not with exactly the same result;  the original doesn't
clear address 0 (it clears 255 bytes of zero page).  Your method will clear
address 0, clearing all of zero page, which is more correct anyway :)

I don't have the original email handy, but I hope somewhere there the stack
pointer was setup!!
I wrote an efficient startup section some time back, on stella - time to
look it up!


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