Re: [stella] Thrust signed carts (was Obviously doing something wrong...)

Subject: Re: [stella] Thrust signed carts (was Obviously doing something wrong...)
From: "Ben Combee" <combee@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2000 09:08:54 -0500
> You are the first asking for this, and i have no idea, if i should do
> that. The carts are procuded in the USA and i'm living in Germany.
> The carts had to be send a very long way, back and forth. This would make
> them even more expensive, so i'm not sure, if there a enough people who
> want to pay that much.

You don't have to sign the carts... you could just do a run of labels, sign
those, then send them to Randy for application to the carts.  That would be
much lower shipping, and wouldn't delay people getting signed versions from

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