Re: [stella] Merry Xmas

Subject: Re: [stella] Merry Xmas
From: Erik Mooney <emooney@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 04 Jan 2001 03:05:35 -0500
>> 1s -  5 + 100
>>  2s - 10 + 100
>>  3s - 15 + 100
>>  4s - 20 + 100
>>  5s - 25 + 100
>>  6s - 30 + 100
>>  B  - 35
>>      ---   ---
>>      140   600
>>  3K - 30 + 100
>>  4K - 30 + 100
>>  FH - 25 + 100
>>  SS - 30 + 100
>>  LS - 40 + 100
>>  C  - 30 + 100
>>  Y  - 50
>>      ---   ---
>>      235   600
>>      375  1200 = 1575

Looks correct to me.  Of course, were I actually programming the 2600
game, I'd feel free to have the score-display algorithm only handle three
digits :)

>Now wait a minute, something looks wrong there....the +100's are for scoring 
>a Yahtzee on the roll you count for something else, right? Now I can see no 
>problem there in the upper section, the 3 or 4 of a kind, or chance.....but 
>would anyone care to explain how you're going to roll five of a kind at the 
>same time as, say, a small or large straight?

That was the original question.   A second or later Yahtzee is a
'wildcard' and can fill in any space in the lower section... it isn't a
straight, but can be used to score points in those spaces.

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