Re: [stella] Outlaw is driving me nuts / Coding fun with David Crane

Subject: Re: [stella] Outlaw is driving me nuts / Coding fun with David Crane
From: Erik Mooney <erik@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 08 Sep 2001 11:49:08 -0400
>I just continued biting my way through the Outlaw source.
>Sometimes it gets so weird...
>I'd even assume David Crane does stuff just to confuse poor
>reverse-engineering guys like me... or is he just filling up the ROM
>with useless instructions, once he's done with the game?
>For example, what do you think about this:
>LDY #$01
>STY tempVar
>EOR tempVar

My offhand guess would be that the EOR used to be a BIT instruction but
was later changed to EOR.  You can't BIT an immediate number; it has to be
a memory location.  He changed it at some late point in development, and
didn't want to deal with having the other code move around -- perhaps had
some hardcoded addresses, or just didn't want to deal with having the page
boundaries move.

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