Re: [stella] Bit flip

Subject: Re: [stella] Bit flip
From: "TwoHeaded Software" <adavie@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2001 19:03:40 +1000
    ldx #7
flip    lsr zp        ; zp holds the byte to flip the bit of
    rol a
    bpl flip

    ; on exit, a = flipped byte

That's not exactly quick, but it should do the job.  It will flip the bits
for ANY input, not just a single-bit.
Me, I'd be thinking about my algorithm if I needed to do this sort of job.
This is not an efficient procedure.  It's ugly.


Andrew Davie, TwoHeaded Software

----- Original Message -----
From: "Glenn Saunders" <cybpunks2@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <stella@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, September 10, 2001 6:51 PM
Subject: Re: [stella] Bit flip

> At 06:36 PM 9/10/2001 +1000, you wrote:
> >Table-lookup, 256 bytes.  Index your original value to get the
> It wouldn't need 256 bytes because if only 1 bit is set then there can
> be 8 possible values:
> 00000001
> 00000010
> 00000100
> 00001000
> 00010000
> 00100000
> 01000000
> 10000000
> Would need to index a table containing:
> Lookup
> %10000000
> %01000000
> %00100000
> %00010000
> %00001000
> %00000100
> %00000010
> %00000001
> But how do you use a number like that to create an index?
> Would you left shift the accumulator and test for zero and increment the X
> register until it reaches zero, then LDA Lookup,X?
> To be more specific, I'm starting to think (getting ahead of myself,
> I even have a working kernel) of how to translate an X/Y coordinate of a
> collision into a playfield bitmap RAM write.  Because the playfield
> registers are stored in alternating normal and reversed bit order I can't
> just write directly.  I need to potentially reverse the bit order before I
> OR it with the proper RAM location.
> -
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