[stella] 6507 opcode cycle table

Subject: [stella] 6507 opcode cycle table
From: "Eric Ball/Markham/IBM" <eball@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2001 16:47:37 -0400
For ease of cycle counting, I've created the following opcode table.  Note:
the cycles given are color cycles, not CPU cycles.  I also haven't included
any of the undocumented/illegal opcodes.

     Imp  Imm  Zp   ZpX  Abs  AbX  AbY   Ind  InX  InY
bytes     1    2    2    2    3    3     3    3    2    2
ADC       6    9    12   12   12+3 12+3       18   15+3
AND       6    6    9    12   12+3 12+3       18   15+3
ASL  6 (A)          15   18   18   21
BIT            9         12
BRK  21
CMP       6    9    12   12   12+3 12+3       18   15+3
CPX       6    9         12
CPY       6    9         12
DEC  6 (XY)    15   18   18   21
EOR       6    9    12   12   12+3 12+3       18   15+3
INC  6 (XY)         15   18   18   21
JMP                      9               15
JSR                      9
LDA       6    9    12   12   12+3 12+3       18   15+3
LDX       6    9    12 ZpY    12         12+3
LDY       6    9    12   12   12+3
LSR  6 (A)          15   18   18   21
NOP  6
ORA       6    6    9    12   12+3 12+3       18   15+3
PHA  9 (push A)
PHP  9 (push condition code)
PLA  12 (pop A)
PLP  12 (pop codition code)
ROL  6 (A)          15   18   18   21
ROR  6 (A)          15   18   18   21
RTI  18
RTS  18
STA            9    12   12   15   15         18   18
SBC       6    9    12   12   12+3 12+3       18   15+3
STX            9    12 ZpY    12
STY            9    12   12

The shorthand should be familiar to anyone who has used other opcode
tables, but for completeness:

Imp  implicit, opcode only (including INX, INY, DEX, DEY)
Imm  immediate data (relative for branch)
Zp   zero page memory
ZpX  zero page address + X
ZpY  zero page address + Y (only used by LDX & STX)
Abs  absolute address
AbX  absolute address + X (extra 3 cycles for over page boundary)
AbY  absolute address + Y (extra 3 cycles for over page boundary)
Ind  indirect (absolute address)
InX  indirect (Zp + X) (extra 3 cycles for over page boundary)
InY  indirect (Zp) + Y (extra 3 cycles for over page boundary)

Branches are 6 cycles if not taken, 9 if taken and 12 if taken over a page

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