Re: [stella] reading the driving controllers, generic thoughts

Subject: Re: [stella] reading the driving controllers, generic thoughts
From: "Thomas Jentzsch" <tjentzsch@xxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 9 Nov 2001 09:20:11 +0100
I wrote:
> Now, in the table-less solution, I'm taking this concept a bit further:
>          lda SWCHA
>          tay
>          eor last        ; 01 or 10 (else: abrupt twist)
>          sty last
>          dey             ; -> y = -1..2
>          cpy  #2
>          sbc  #1 ; -> a = -1, 0, 1
>          beq .right
> .left:

As you might have already noticed, there is a litte bug in the code: 
After LDA SWCHA I forgot to mask out the upper bits (AND #%00000011).  

BTW: That also makes my attempt to use my favourite illegal opcode LAX impossible ;-)

Have fun!
Thomas Jentzsch         | *** Every bit is sacred ! ***
tjentzsch at web dot de |

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