Re: OFF TOPIC: Re: [stella] help! distella -> dasm case sensitivity

Subject: Re: OFF TOPIC: Re: [stella] help! distella -> dasm case sensitivity
From: Thomas Jentzsch <tjentzsch@xxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 4 May 2002 22:07:43 +0200
At 04.05.2002, 20:37, Piero Cavina wrote:
> This isn't so obvius, at least when we're talking about "true"
> object-oriented languages like Java.
> See what Bruce "Thinking in Java" Eckel writes about this in his book:

> <<Don't create your own 'decorated' private data member names. This is
> usually seen in the form of prepended underscores and characters. Hungarian
> notation is the worst example of this, where you attach extra characters
> that indicate data type, use, location, etc., as if you were writing
> assembly language and the compiler provided no extra assistance at all.
> These notations are confusing, difficult to read, and unpleasant to enforce
> and maintain.

I'm not very firm in Java, but in C++ you can actually read the code on
screen (or as printout!) using Hungarian notation without having to ask
the compiler, what the scope or type of the variable is. Yes, you can
point with your mouse and the editor shows the base type, the class
browser shows you all member variables etc. But having to look for that
again and again, is like reading a book, where you have to ask someone
about the exact meaning of every third word.

And the MS Visual Studio 6 editor isn't very clever too. When you are
using types that are defined based on some base type (e.g. HRESULT,
long), it only shows you the base type. And very often, it doesn't even
recognize the type or class at all. Not very helpful. :-(

> Let classes and packages do the name scoping for you.>>

That doesn't mean, that I should prefix every variable with package and
class, or does it???

Have fun!
Thomas Jentzsch         | *** Every bit is sacred ! ***
tjentzsch at web dot de |

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