Re: [stella] Updated missile.bin -- TWO missiles! :^)

Subject: Re: [stella] Updated missile.bin -- TWO missiles! :^)
From: Chris Wilkson <ecwilkso@xxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2002 03:08:02 -0400 (EDT)
On Tue, 25 Jun 2002, Ruffin Bailey wrote:

> out DAsm and did my biannual night's worth of 2600 hacking.

Yay!  Maybe we can team up next year and get a full day/night combo.  We
can argue later about who gets to work night and who has to work day.  ;)

> Second... in the code I open up initializing $80 and $81, the variables
> where I'm storing M0's y-position and M1's y-position, respectively, to
> #$40, yet the variables start out at zero when the app starts up.  I'm're gonna kick yourself for this one.  Here's the offending
snippet of your code with comments amended.

    > START:
    >        SEI            ;2
    >        CLD            ;2
    >        LDA    #$40    ;2
    >        STA    $80     ;3  initialize M0 y-position
    >        STA    $81     ;3  initialize M1 y-position
    >        LDX    #$FF    ;2
    >        TXS            ;2
    >        LDA    #$00    ;2
    > LF00B: STA    VSYNC,X ;4  this loop clears all of ram!!!!
    >        DEX            ;2
    >        BNE    LF00B   ;2


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