RE: [stella] Joe Decuir's keynote from CGE2K1

Subject: RE: [stella] Joe Decuir's keynote from CGE2K1
From: "Albert Yarusso - AtariAge" <albert@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 30 Jul 2002 09:50:16 -0500
Hi Craig,

> I would greatly appreciate it if you would put this online, since my news
> server stopped carrying binary-only newsgroups.

Dennis has the FTP information now and should be uploading the files
tonight.  After that, I just need to find a suitable spot for it on
AtariAge, take some stills from the video, perhaps make a lower-resolution
version, create a simple page for it, and then put it all online.  Oh yeah,
and watch it myself.  :)

Take care,


> Thanks!
> --
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
>   Craig Maloney  (craig@xxxxxx)
>   Don't go around saying the world owes you a living.  The world
>   owes you nothing.  It was here first.  -- Mark Twain
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