Re: [stella] Skeleton - a new game

Subject: Re: [stella] Skeleton - a new game
From: Adam Thornton <adam@xxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 3 Sep 2002 00:10:33 -0500
On Sat, Aug 31, 2002 at 09:20:36AM -0400, Erik Eid wrote:
> On Thursday 29 August 2002 09:50 am, Eric Ball wrote:
> > Just in time for Labour Day weekend, a new game to try.
> Great!  Welcome aboard!
> > I've tested it out using both Z26 and Cyberstella (no illegal opcodes
> > either so PCAE should work too), but I would appreciate knowing how it
> > behaves on the real thing.
> I played it on a 2600 using a Supercharger yesterday.  It seems to work fine. 
>  I didn't encounter any screen rolling or other instability.
> It also works on the Stella emulator, version 1.2 for Linux.

I burned it to a ROM and played it that way, and it's fine.

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