Re: [stella] 7800 DevCart (Was: Where can I find something like a cuttle cart)

Subject: Re: [stella] 7800 DevCart (Was: Where can I find something like a cuttle cart)
From: "Ratiki" <ratiki@xxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 12 Dec 2002 19:44:34 -0500
> Will this cartridge play 2600 titles as well in a 7800? or is it limited
> 7800 titles only?

That's what I'd like to know.  In theory it should be simple as 7800 only
checks a certain portion of memory for checksum.  If it's valid, the console
locks in 7800 mode.  Otherwise it goes to 2600 mode.  I'm not sure if it can
be done with the 7800 dev cart without any modification.

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